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Keep Up With Your Competition

Keeping up with your competitors is an important aspect of owning a business. What are your competitors doing that’s helping them stand out online, gain more customers, or reach more people? What are they doing that gives you an advantage or what are they not doing that you can begin offering? All of those are powerful starting questions. This resource will help you identify your competitors and their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

More goes into who is a competitor than just being in the same industry. Consider who your prime target audience is and who each similar business targets, what price point do you and these other businesses fall into, are there things you do that the other companies don’t? What about any key differences like contract vs no-contract or retainer vs pay by service. Lastly, consider the competitors SWOT compared to yours.

That’s the point of doing competitor analysis and SWOT sheets is to determine any areas where your company falls short and things you need to improve on. If your SWOT pales in comparison to others, that just means its time to address those shortcomings and improve.

Do this as often as you want but at least once a year is recommended. Or when major things change in your company or your competitors. For example if you’ve recently doubled down on social media or marketing and your competition hasn’t, it might be a good time to revisit a SWOT template and see if your efforts have given you the edge or if there’s other areas that still need improved.

Also, if your competitors have recently began offering a new service or implemented something that gave them an edge, it’s time to do SWOT and maybe some additional market research to see how you can remain competitive.

What’s Inside?

This guide helps you determine who your competitors are and what theirs strengths and weaknesses are that will help you determine areas you need to focus your attention to. Include in this template is a SWOT template that you should complete for every competitor on your list.

  • Competitor Analysis Guide
  • Fillable SWOT Template

Are You Ready To Grow?

This guide is a great starting point for those not afraid of the DIY approach that haven’t done much market research or competitor analysis. If you’d like a more advanced solution to your business strategy, contact us for a free consultation where our team will analyze what you have and what you need and provide a detailed marketing strategy just for you!

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