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Client Contract – Franchise

Client understands and agrees to the following terms as well as those listed in the client contract for Pixelized Designs. As a franchised location of ___________________________, I understand there are licensing agreements and other legally binding documents that govern my company. I understand breaking said legal contracts may result in legal action and additional fees from the franchisor of my company. To the best of my knowledge, all information provided to Pixelized Designs is within our usage rights and does not violate any existing agreements with our parent company.

By signing this form, you are agreeing to release Pixelized Designs and all of its employees from any liability in the event the content or information you provide for your site violates any existing agreement with your franchisor.

  1. Client agrees that they have read, understood, and sought permission if necessary, from any and all entities governing their franchised location. It is up the the client (franchisee) to not violate any existing agreements when seeking work from a third party.
  2. Pixelized Designs reserves the right to charge a monthly usage fee for franchises that have multiple locations using the same website. This monthly fee ensures each franchised location will appear on the main website.
  3. Failure to pay the monthly fee will result in the franchised location being removed from the main website until payment is made.
  4. Pixelized Designs reserves the right to charge increased hosting fees or resource fees if a website exceeds the resource limits set in place for our clients.
  5. By signing this agreement, you are entering a legally binding contract with Pixelized Designs for ongoing maintenance, support, hosting and monitoring of your website.

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